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Home Learning

Year 11 GCSE Revision Plan Summer 


Forge Valley School Home Learning Statement

The home learning policy at Forge Valley School is linked to the academic needs of our pupils and allows for all pupils to consolidate knowledge, build back and master concepts. Effective home learning is an important strategy to help support the academic progress of pupils and to consolidate and develop their learning in the classroom.

Home learning for all pupils in school shall focus on the mastery of key skills and strengthening the learning of key concepts, making clear links with prior learning. Mastery is an inclusive way of teaching that is grounded in the belief that all pupils can achieve. A concept is deemed mastered when learners can represent it in multiple ways, can communicate solutions using appropriate language and can independently apply the concept to new problems. Home learning shall be an opportunity for pupils and their families to re-examine topics taught in lessons and use a series of resources to help the mastery of that concept. This should encourage every pupil to preserve and grasp knowledge they didn’t previously understand.



Home learning enables pupils to:

● Consolidate and extend work covered in class, to master concepts and make links with prior learning.

● Access resources not available in the classroom.

● Develop research skills.

● Have an opportunity for independent work.

● Show progress and understanding.

● Provide feedback in the evaluation of teaching.

● To enhance their study skills e.g. planning, time management and self-discipline.

● To take ownership and responsibility for learning.

● Engage parental co-operation and support.

● Create channels for home school dialogue.

What is Mastery Learning?

How to Mastery Learn?

Key Stage 3

KS3 Mastery Home Learning Timetable







Saturday / Sunday











Performing Arts









Key Stage 4

Helping your Child Study KS4



Helping your child study for their GCSE's

Helping your child study for their GCSE's


Homework Policy