Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND)
At Forge Valley we endeavour to make every effort to achieve maximum inclusion of all students whilst meeting their needs. Recognition of the entitlement of all students to a balanced, broad based curriculum is paramount.
Our Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Coordinator (SENCO) is Mrs K Heaton.
About Our Integrated Resource
The Integrated Resource at Forge Valley School was established to provide a range of mainstream classroom support and targeted intervention provision for pupils with Autism and other Social communication conditions.
All of our IR pupils have had a formal assessment and have an Education Health Care Plan (EHCP) with Autism/Social Communication as their primary need.
Our pupils follow a broad and balanced curriculum and are able to access mainstream lessons with TA support. Targeted interventions are delivered in the IR, dependent on individual need.
All pupils with an IR place have a keyworker who will work closely with the pupil, their family and the wider school staff.
Our aim is to work with pupils to promote their independence and enable them to manage and understand their autism. Our support will help them develop strategies and skills to succeed.
For further information please contact Mrs Helen Latham, IR Leader.
Telephone: 0114 2348805
Email: hlatham@forgevalley.sheffield.sch.uk
Confidence, Resilience and Independence