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Religious Studies


Philosophy and Ethics in Forge Valley we strive to develop in all students a knowledge and understanding of religious and non-religious worldviews to foster a greater appreciation of the rich, culturally and religiously diverse world in which we live. We aim to support students in developing their own spiritual, moral and social awareness by increasing their understanding of the complex issues and challenges faced by people from all walks of life within their own city and beyond. It is our ambition that students leave Forge Valley School with a greater understanding of their own place within society, both local and global.

Our pupils will learn key beliefs from major world religions, which they will then apply to global issues, with particular focus on the main religious tradition of the country in order to reflect on the historical context of Great Britain. We will foster a culture of critical enquiry and analysis through the study and evaluation of philosophical arguments, religious scripture and other sources. Our ultimate goal is to create and nurture an intellectual curiosity in pupils to develop a love of learning and an understanding of the role of the subject within the curriculum.

Parents have the right to withdraw their child from Religious Education as outlined in section 71 of School Standards and Framework Act 1998. Any parent wishing to exercise this right must contact the Headteacher's PA by emailing

Key Stage 3 Curriculum Content

Scheme of Work:

Y7 - Religion in Sheffield, Theological Investigations, The nature of God in the Old Testament

Y8 - Philosophical questions, Is religion beliefs?, Is religion people?, Is religion rules? Does religion have a place in a 21st Century world?

Y9 - Do religions need a God?, Origin and purpose, How beliefs inform our behaviour


All pupils have been given a mastery booklet covering the work they have studied in their current topic. The purpose of this is to allow pupils the opportunity to consolidate their knowledge at home. This work is not set against a particular timetable and pupils are at liberty to complete tasks in any order they wish. 

The majority of lessons within KS3 Religion, Philosophy and Ethics begin with retrieval and mastery so pupils will find it beneficial to interact with these booklets frequently. 

Key Stage 4 Curriculum Content

Forge Valley follow the AQA Specification A. The GCSE course is examined at the end of Year 11. There are two papers comprising of: 

Paper 1 – Buddhism and Christianity 

Students will be aware that Buddhism is one of the diverse religious traditions and beliefs in Great Britain today and that the main religious tradition in Great Britain is Christianity. They will be able to refer to scripture and/or sacred texts where appropriate. Students will show understanding of the influence of the beliefs, teachings and practices studied on individuals, communities and societies. Common and divergent views within Buddhism and Christianity in the way beliefs and teachings are understood and expressed are included throughout.  

Pupils will be assessed on their knowledge and understanding of beliefs, what people consider to be true, and practices, how people show their faith, in both religions. 

Paper 2 – Thematic studies 

Students will study religious teachings, and religious, philosophical and ethical arguments, relating to the issues below, and their impact and influence in the modern world. They will be aware of contrasting perspectives in contemporary British society on all of these issues. They must be able to explain contrasting beliefs on the below issues with reference to the main religious tradition in Britain (Church of England Christianity) and one or more other religious traditions: 

  • ‘Theme B’: Matters of life and death 
    • The origins and value of the universe 
    • The origins and value of human life 
  • ‘Theme C’: Existence of God (Philosophy) 
    • Philosophical arguments for and against the existence of God 
    • The nature of the divine and revelation 
  • ‘Theme D’: War and peace 
    • Religion, violence, terrorism and war 
    • Religion and belief in 21st century conflict 
  • ‘Theme E’: Crime and punishment 
    • Religion, crime and the causes of crime 
  • Religion and punishment