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Starving the Anxiety Gemlin

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We will look at how anxiety effects the body. How the body copes with anxiety. What coping methods/strategies we can trial to reduce anxiety and manage it. Look at thought stopping and worry time and practice these techniques at home and in school. Have the opportunity to talk one to one about your worries and concerns.

Who can attend:

This intervention is for anyone looking to actively reduce their stress and anxiety in everyday life and discover strategies to safely control their emotions and feelings

Session 1:

Intro to course. Definition of anxiety. Anxiety symptoms. Relaxation and breathing techniques.

Session 2:

Dealing with anxiety and positive thinking. What can we actually control. Worry time homework.

Session 3:

Managing anxiety. Fright, flight or freeze. Embedding and discussing previous methods.

Session 4:

Mindfulness and relaxation session. Reflective colouring and one to one listening sessions.

Session 5:

Changing negative thinking into positive thinking. Altering thought patterns. Raising awareness of thoughts and assessing ourselves. Thought stopping.

Session 6:

Summary of course. Online evaluation. Retrieval of information covered over the past 5 sessions. Tools they can continue to use to support anxiety. Mindfulness and relaxation session. One to one listening sessions.